How is my data protected?

Any records, documentation, or information related to you will be anonymized directly following data collection which ensures that your data cannot be used to identify you. No identifying information about you will be stored anywhere other than the password-protected, encrypted electronic database. You will not be named in any reports, publications, or presentations that may come from this study, unless you indicate otherwise. You will be asked to provide general demographic information about yourself (e.g., age, gender, sexual identity, re-entry experience, sexual orientation), but in any published reports this information will be presented in ways that respect your anonymity, including by changing details of your demographic information like the community of re-entry. Furthermore, no identifying information, such as your name, will be collected thus it cannot be kept in the database or shared with anyone. Your information will be collected only for the purpose of this research study and the researcher will not disclose any information without the participant’s permission.

How will my data be used?

The results of the research project will be published in the form of peer-reviewed articles, disseminated on the project website, in various Black LGBTQI community sessions, on community partner websites, on advisory committee members websites, and submitted to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council roundtable in 2025/2026. Further, the results may be presented at a conference, community roundtables and/or used in an article about this study for a journal. Neither you nor your information will be identified directly or indirectly in any publication. You can ask for a copy of any of the publications stemming from this research and all community forums about the project will be free or you can contact Dr. Wesley Crichlow, Principal Investigator.

What are the potential discomforts or harms in participation?

Risks or discomfort from your participation in the research include discomfort with recalling experiences of homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, and anti-Black racisms and reliving associated traumatic events. A list of health care supports will be provided and the phone number of a counsellor that you can access for free counselling support. The Principal Investigator will protect your records and keep confidential all the information in your on-line survey This information will be kept in a password-protected, encrypted electronic file that only the principal researcher will have access to, so limiting risks of your words being shared outside of the context of the study.

What are the compensation options for participation?

There is no cost to you for participating in this study, it is voluntary and confidential. Reimbursement for participating in the study includes an online survey and a brief 15–20-minute legibility follow-up online interview. Only qualified participants will receive $75 for the online survey and $75 for the brief 15–20-minute legibility follow-up online interview. You also have the option of receiving one wellness and therapy support session, from a Black professionally trained expert and advocate for support.

When will the findings be published?

The results of the research project will be published in the form of peer-reviewed articles, disseminated on the project website, in various Black LGBTQI community sessions, on community partner websites, on advisory committee members websites, and submitted to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council roundtable in 2025/2026.

Who can participate?

You must be Black male identified: age of 21 and over formerly federally incarcerated in Canada for three years or more have experienced same-gender experiences, including same-gender sex, desires, relationships, identities, who enjoy and love other men, including Gay, Bisexual, Transmen, Gender-Diverse, Nonbinary and Queer Men

How long does the survey take?

Approximately 30-40 minutes.

Our project community partners are: The Caribbean African Canadian Social Services (CAFCAN); 519 Church Street Community Center; Black Coalition for Aids Prevention (Black Cap); City of Toronto-Confronting Anti-Black Racism Unit; The 2SLGBTQI+ Secretariat; Pride Toronto; Public Health Agency of Canada; The LGBT Purge Fund; Quadrangle Community Centre; South Riverdale Community Center; The Canadian Center for Gender and Sexual Diversity; The Enchante Network;  and The Ontario HIV Treatment Network.

This study has been reviewed by the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (OTU) Research Ethics Board
[File #17107] on [Dec 21, 2022].

If you have any questions, please contact the Research Ethics Office @ 905- 721-8668 ext. 3693 or at
If you experience any discomfort related to the study, please contact the PI researcher Wesley Crichlow @ 905-721-8668, ext. 2651 or

This project is supported by SSHRC but not a SSHRC product.
